A: If you have booked a holiday more than 10 months in advance, your flights are likely to be out of date range at the time of booking. Once the airline schedules become available our flight team will confirm your flights and send an updated booking confirmation. Typical timescales are around 10 months pre departure.
A: If you are booked on a scheduled airline such as BA or American Airlines, you can book and pay for your flight seats on the airline website once your flights have been ticketed. Generally speaking, flights can be ticketed once your balance is paid in full. If you would like your flights ticketed, please contact our Customer Service team.
If you have booked a cruise line package with flights we would ask that you contact our Customer Service team after the balance of your holiday has been paid.
A: If you are booked on a fly cruise package your luggage allowance will be confirmed once you receive your tickets. You can expect to receive your tickets by email or post around 7 – 14 days pre departure.
At Scotland's Cruise Centre there are a number of ways you can contact us meaning that all you have to do is choose the option which is most convenient to you.
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At Scotland's Cruise Centre there are a number of ways you can contact us meaning that all you have to do is choose the option which is most convenient to you.
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